quarta-feira, julho 28, 2004

it all disappears when it's always so near

Listen to me
Just hear me out
If I could have your attention
Just quieten down for a voice in the crowd
I get so confused and I don't understand
I know you feel the same way you've always wanted to say
But you don't get the chance
Just a voice in the crowd

I don't know the score anymore
It's not clear anymore
I can't tell right from wrong anymore
I just don't understand
I was sitting here thinking of exchanging a new world for old
Like changing the channels on TV
Or the dirt that we stand in to gold

When I was young
My father told me just bad guys die
At the time just a little white lie
It was one of the first but it hurt me the most
And the truth stung like tears in my eyes
That even the good guys must die
There's no reasoning no crimes and I never knew why
Even now it still makes me cry

If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding
Just some answers to the questions that surround me now
If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
I keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing here is ever what it seems
You stand so close but you never understand it
For all that we see is not all that it seems, am I blind?

And you sit there and talk revolution
But can you tell me just who's in command?
When you tell me the forces we're fighting
Then I'll join you and gladly make plans
But for now only our t-shirts cry freedom
And our voices are gagged by our greed
Our minds are harnessed by knowledge
By the hill and the will to succeed
And if that's not what you believe
Would you just let me know
I'm not standing alone
That I'm not just a voice in the crowd

If there's somebody up there, could they throw me down a line
Just a little helping hand, just a little understanding
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
If there's somebody up there, just throw me down a line
Just a little guiding light to tell wrong from right
Just some answers to the questions that I'm asking you
I'll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Where nothing is exactly how it seems
You're reaching out, you're so close you can touch it
But it all disappears when it's always so near
But one day we will find that we stand in the light
Until then I'll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors
Nothing here is ever what it seems
I'm scared to shout in case I draw attention from the powers
That preside over our minds and our lives
When they find what I want is the deadliest weapon, that is truth

Day by day it's getting louder
And day by day it's getting stronger
But when I can't scream no more and I need reassurance,
I listen to the crowd

And the boy stood and stared at the hill
And the hill - it stared back

Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors

Quando não chega

Quando tudo parece estar destinado a não ser.
Não há força de vontade que faça com que as coisas corram a favor.
Por mais que se tente, por mais que se esforçe, acaba por não valer a pena.
Nem mesmo o pensar que se deu tudo serve de consolo.
As vitórias nunca são morais.
Ou são vitórias ou são derrotas.
Dos fracos não reza a história.

Como dizia a canção:

If I could throw this
Lifeless lifeline to the wind
Leave this heart of clay
See you break, break away
Into the night
Through the rain
Into the half-light
Through the flame

If I could, you know I would
If I could, I would
Let it go...

This desparation
In temptation
Let it go

And so fade away
To let it go
And so fade....fade...
Fade away...


segunda-feira, julho 26, 2004

No second chance to tell you

Moments lost though time remains
I am so proud of what we were
No pain remains
No feeling
Eternity awaits
Grant me wings that I might fly
My restless soul is longing
No pain remains
No feeling
Eternity awaits

VNV Nation

sexta-feira, julho 23, 2004

quarta-feira, julho 21, 2004

O post do coitadinho

“...Ai ai, sou tão coitadinho, ai ai nada me corre bem, ai ai o meu mundo não faz sentido, ai ai...”, etc. 
Há para aí uns tipos que exageram neste tipo de posts.
Para eles deixo esta mensagem, podem aproveitar para inserir em qualquer texto, ela funciona bem nesses casos...
(vocês sabem do que é que eu estou a falar)

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
Nine Inch Nails

terça-feira, julho 20, 2004

take me out of the rain

I don't understand why people say I just don't give a damn
I don't want to make the same mistake
I don't want to waste another day
I don't want to play another game
I want to make it up this way
She says"no,no,no,no,no, never again
I say,no,no,no,no,no never again
Clan of Xymox
Out of the rain

sexta-feira, julho 16, 2004

Frase de um entendido (acho eu...)

Architecture in general is frozen music.
Friedrich Von Schelling


Se ainda estivesse vivo, Ian Curtis completaria hoje 48 anos.

I've been waiting for a guide to come
and take me by the hand
Could these sensations make me feel
the pleasures of a normal man
New sensations bear the innocence -
leave them for another day
I've go the spirit, lose the feeling
take the shock away
It's getting faster, moving faster now,
it's getting out of hand
On the tenth floor, down the backstairs
into no-man's land
Lights are flashing,
cars are crashing,
getting frequent now
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling,
let it out somehow
What means to you,
what means to me -
and we will meet again
I'm watching you, I watch it all
I take no pity from friends
Who is right and who can tell,
and who gives a damn right now
Until the spirit, new sensation
takes hold - then you know
I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling
Joy Division

quinta-feira, julho 15, 2004

Se eu pudesse…

...só hoje, parar de sonhar...

lie down in the park and watch the satellites
hear the children sing just a breath away
dance in the heavy air along the interstate
black lung full of fumes choke on memories

Like tears in the rain

got that right

Deixo aqui duas frases de amigos meus com as quais não poderia concordar mais.

"...ter um blog é uma egotrip..."

"...oferecer ao mundo um diário íntimo dissimuladamente aberto "à world wide web", é uma forma de masturbação intelectual..."

Hit deste verão

Ele é moldavo e lançou uma melodia chamada Elektronik - Supersonik.
O link é para o video.
Vejam, apreciem e divulguem.


quarta-feira, julho 14, 2004

ena ena

Computador lê pensamentos de macaco

Finalmente vou poder perceber certos individuos.

quem quer vir á festa?

País de brandos custumes

‘Apito Dourado’ - Pai do juiz é assessor de Valentim Loureiro

Primeiro destituíram os investigadores.
Agora esta.
A próxima é condecorarem o Valentim.

seven times I’ll resurrect

come! no night too dark - no road too long
run! no rain too hard - no wind too strong
pray! no blood too red - no cut too deep
stay! no pain too bad - no track too steep
fate! - I’m bound to live my destiny
hail! - my longing for eternity

In Strict Confidence
Seven lives

terça-feira, julho 13, 2004

e já que estamos numa de coisas importantes

decidi partilhar convosco o meu têne esquerdo.

sim, tem um pé lá dentro...

Isto não me sai da cabeça, por isso decidi promove-la a pensamento do dia embora não sirva absolutamente para nada

Makina mata
Makina mata
Makina mata

segunda-feira, julho 12, 2004


Falsos videntes burlam

... e agora como é que os distinguimos dos verdadeiros?

Ps: já encomendei uma leitura de mão há que tempos, mas a profissional diz que não está para aí virada.


Geek Horoscopes

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Ye ol' internationale Speaketh-Like-In-Ye-Olden-Days Day ist not a big hit amongst ye co-workers. Fleeth whilst ye canst.

Para recordar

we want revolution
constant evolution
start your engines blow your fuses
burn the bridges for the future
this is our solution

We want revolution

sábado, julho 10, 2004

Vou ver Covenant

Já volto.

quinta-feira, julho 08, 2004

Mas que raio...

Gays manifestam-se esta quinta-feira no Parque Eduardo VII

"Deste modo, a comunidade gay manifesta-se contra as agressões verbais e físicas de que são alvo, por parte da polícia, quando os casais homossexuais estão a namorar nos jardins públicos."

Vale a pena comentar...?

quarta-feira, julho 07, 2004


Man was born to love
Though often he has sought
Like Icarus, to fly too high
And far too lonely than he ought
To kiss the sun of east and west
And hold the world at his behest
To hold the terrible power
To whom only gods are blessed
But me, I am just a man

Faith No More
Just a man

Este homem é um Mister!

Mas tomada a decisão, seja ela qual for, então que não se perca mais tempo.

Este Delgado é o mestre do obvio.
Quando se tomar a decisão acabam as indefinições e os impasses.

Não se brinca com coisas sérias

CDS Diz Que Eleições Fazem com Que Escolha de Durão Seja "Sabotada na Retaguarda".

Se há coisa que o Paulito não admite é sabotagens de retuaguarda...especialmente quando é um Durão.

Boas notícias para os amantes da natureza

substância à base de cannabis pode melhorar visão nocturna.

terça-feira, julho 06, 2004

grande verdade

Some cause happiness wherever they go;
others, whenever they go
Oscar Wilde

Ora então, a boa noticia da noite

You're more intelligent than 90% of the people you interact with. Academic and witty, you are an avid reader and thinker. You are artsy-fartsy and creative, and you have been or will be deeply inspired by the book, "Memoirs of a Geisha" and are fascinated with oriental culture and history. Many write you off as a geek, but don't listen to them. You have trouble relating to the "club-scene" and want a partner who's interested by the same topics as you. And remember: love is all we need.

Take the Which Madonna Video Are You quiz.

segunda-feira, julho 05, 2004

O Prometido

Uma figura aproxima-se no horizonte...

Old P: Parece-me alguém conhecido

Outros dois em uníssono: A mim não me lembra ninguém...

Old P: Passados estes anos todos, ele está de volta? Agora vem tarde!

Van Small H: Mas quem General? Quem é?

Terceiro que não sei o nome, por isso vou chama-lo de Terceiro: Não estou mesmo a ver...

Old P: Anda cá que não te escapas, vais levar uns tabefes.

Van Small H: Mas afinal quem é ele?

Old P: É o Sebastião, entrei com o catraio em Ceuta, e o raio do puto desapareceu numa casa de alterne...

sábado, julho 03, 2004

Olá!!!! Há quanto tempo...

Viver acorrentado
Viver sem saber porquê
Correr sempre em frente
Correr para ouvir o da frente
Estou perdido neste mundo,
Estou perdido o que é que eu faço aqui?
Quero-me ir embora
Mas não sei para onde ir
Quero ter uma vida própria
Neste mundo quero existir

Para onde vou?
Não sei nem me interessa
Quero partir,
Não quero viver á pressa
Esta é a minha angustia
Que eu tenho de viver
Por isso temos de mudar
Todas as coisas que nos fazem sofrer!
Quero-me ir embora
Mas não sei para onde ir
Quero ter uma vida própria
Neste mundo quero existir
Quero ser eu, quero ser eu, quero ser eu!


Também quero

silence, loneliness
cruel days full of emptiness
sorrow, missing light
aimless through the night

heartache, broken dreams
nothing is like as it seems
captured, by the past
weeping, running fast.

Wake up, fly away !
Thousand miles a day
No reason here to stay
Underneath the stars today

Fly away !
Thousand miles a day
Walk on holy ways
Up to outer space

true love, I'm missing you
feelings that never knew
watching to the sky
angels passing by

darling, I used to say
we will meet again someday
maybe, the perfect night
I've told myself tonight.

Fly way !

quinta-feira, julho 01, 2004


"There are guys I know who firmly believe with all their hearts that people’s fates are pre-written and pre-determined. That there are some people who are literally born to follow a certain path. A path of greatness, a path of destruction, a path of mediocrity. A path. And no matter what you do, no matter how much you think you control your destiny, your destiny controls you.

To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it. I don’t know if I am following a path or if I am subconsciously putting myself into situations like these. I don’t know. It hurts my head to think about it."

Escritor: Brian Michael Bendis
Arte: Michael Gaydos

A idade tem destas coisas

grave é quando começamos a falar sozinhos...